Monday, March 5, 2018

Time to "Spring Forward": Tips For Helping Your Baby With Daylight Savings

By Jill Campbell, Psy.D.

One question that often comes up in The Pump Station & Nurtury's Mommy & Me classes this time of year is, "How do I help my baby adjust to daylight savings?" Every year around this time we prepare to move our clocks forward one hour (Sunday, March 12, 2017). While adults can usually adjust to this time shift pretty quickly, babies and toddlers often find the change a bit more challenging. Here are a few different ways to help your baby transition to daylight savings time:

1. Don't Change A Thing:
If you are a parent that has been struggling with an "early riser," then by doing nothing, your baby or toddler will naturally be waking up an hour later! Simply move your clock ahead to the new time after your baby has gone to sleep on Saturday night. Your baby will wake up at their normal time Sunday morning, which will now be an hour later on the clock.  So if your baby was an early riser and consistently waking up at 5:30am, then your child will now wake up at 6:30am according to the new clock. Proceed with your normal daily routine according to the new clock. Meals and naptimes tend to go pretty smoothly with this method, but you may find that come nighttime, your baby or toddler isn't feeling so sleepy.  This is because if you are putting your child down at their "regular" bedtime (let's say 7:30pm), but 7:30pm tonight was 6:30pm just the night before. Therefore, you might need to be a little flexible with bedtime, maybe putting your child down somewhere in between the old clock and the new clock. Then for the next few nights, keep shifting bedtime up until you are at your child's regular bedtime according to the new clock.

2. Start to shift your baby's feeding and sleeping schedule slowly ahead of time.
Starting six days before daylight savings, prepare ahead of time by moving feedings, naps and bedtime earlier by 10 minutes each day. So if baby usually has her first feeding for the day at 7:30am, see if you can do that feeding at 7:20am. If she refuses, don't force her, but you get the idea. Just try to make the routine adjustments as the day goes on. If her first nap of the day is typically at 9:30am, see if you can put her down closer to 9:20am. These small time shifts should help your baby to go down a bit earlier at night without having a child that is just too awake for an earlier bedtime. If all goes well, then on Sunday morning after the time change, your baby will wake according to the new time. So if baby typically woke up at 7am before the time change, she will now wake up at 7am according to the new clock.  Her feedings and sleep times should now be adjusted to the new time. If you find it is still off a bit, (or if you did not start making these shifts so far in advance) just continue to shift in small time increments post time-change, until you are back on track.

3. Adjust the light:
Try to give your child at least a half an hour of natural sunlight first thing after waking up in the morning. This should help your child's internal clock adjust to the time change faster.  In addition, blackout shades can be very helpful if there is still sunlight coming into your child's bedroom at nighttime or before wake-up time in the morning.

4. Don't Panic:
Please remember that even if all this planning doesn't go quite according to schedule, simply by keeping to a steady daily routine, most children will naturally adjust to the time change within a week or so.

Jill's Favorite Products for Sleep

Friday, March 2, 2018

How do I stay sane during this insane time of my life?

Having a baby is a time of celebration, but as with any big transition in our life, there is also some loss involved. You have to say good-bye to your old life and your old self. In addition to feelings of bliss and joy, it is not uncommon that you might also be feeling overwhelmed, worried, and let's face it, exhausted, as you try to adjust to a brand-new role  that you do not yet have confidence in. Even if you've read all the baby books out there and taken as many prenatal classes as you could find, no one can totally prepare you for what it feels like once your baby is actually here. 

One of the first important lessons that I learned when I was a new mother is that there was always going to be a difference between the image of the idealized perfect mother in my head, and the reality of the mother that I actually was. My fantasy mother was always completely selfless, always calm and patient, and knew how to handle every situation with assurance and grace. Pause for laughter. 

It wasn't until a few months after my daughter was born and I became a postdoctoral intern at Cedars Sinai Early Childhood Center, that I realized that all the conflicting feelings I was experiencing as a new mom were completely normal. As a postdoctoral intern, I listened to other new mothers like myself talk in group, and I heard similar stories over and over again. I remember moms sharing their feelings of both joy and sheer terror and the other moms nodding in unison. I learned that allowing yourself to experience what you are really feeling is much healthier than trying to convince yourself that you should be this flawless mother who only feels jubilation in her new role.

The group was a haven, and it is what inspired me to make working with new mothers my career for the last 21 years (yes, my daughter is now 21!). Being a part of this group of new mothers made me realize how incredibly important it was to have a safe community to come to every week where women could discuss and process questions like, "How do I handle this huge transition in my life?" "How do I know if I am doing this parenting thing right?" "How do I play and connect with my baby?" "How do I get my baby on some type of sleep schedule?" "How do I keep from getting frustrated with my partner over, well, everything?" "When and how do I introduce solids?" "How do I stay sane during this insane time of my life?" 

I am now the curriculum director for The Pump Station & Nurtury's® Mommy & Me Program, and I am so excited to announce that our well-received classes are now coming to Calabasas! Starting in March we will be facilitating our classes at The Calabasas Academy of Dance located at 4505 Las Virgenes Road in Calabasas. Being a Conejo Valley gal myself, I am delighted that we are spreading our wings and expanding our program!

I truly believe that taking this class is one of the best things that you can do for yourself as a new mom. You will meet other women with babies the same age as yours and gain the support and the community that all new mothers need. Come join me in Calabasas!

By Jill Campbell, Psy.D.
Mommy & Me Curriculum Director
Get more info about our Mommy/Parent & Me Program by clicking here or emailing

Monday, January 15, 2018

Total Child Wellness with One-on-One Care at Calabasas Pediatrics

Have you ever left the doctor's office feeling like you just rushed through the fast lane at the grocery store? In today's fast paced world, many interactions happen in the blink of an eye. While that may be what you want at the ATM or the DMV, it's not OK at your pediatrician's practice. At Calabasas Pediatrics you'll never feel like you and your child are just another number on the waiting room wall. 

Dr. Tanya Altmann
When you bring your child to Calabasas Pediatrics we want you to feel confident that you are getting the best possible care for your child. We love what we do and take pride in delivering our absolute best to your family. And that takes time. We believe that getting to really know our patients and their families is not just the only way but also the best way to ensuring healthy kids. Our focus is on the whole child and not just curing what is ailing them at that moment. 

Many practices operate within the insurance-driven healthcare system but we do things differently. By not accepting insurance, we're better able to provide the best care, offer more services, and take the time to make a meaningful personal connection with every patient. You'll never leave our practice feeling deflated or confused because we take the time to listen, to learn and to re-assure. 

How do we do it? Take a look at just a few of the ways we do things differently at Calabasas Pediatrics: 
  • We're always available. Whether you need a last-minute appointment or just have a question, we are always here to help. Like a trusted friend, we'll always respond to your calls and emails with a quick, accurate response. Because we really know you and your child, we can offer the best advice that works for your family.
  • We care for your child when they are sick but we also care for their wellness overall. We care about what they eat for breakfast, how they are doing in school, and want to know about their interests, activities and relationships. We can help you find the best resources for your child, from child care options to tutors and everything in between.
  • While we won't rush you in and out, we recognize that your life is busy so we'll never leave you hanging in the waiting room. We provide same-day and extended appointments, in a clean, fun environment designed to make you and your child feel at ease.
  • We're here to hold your child's hand (and yours!) when they are sick. When you need us we'll be here, every step of the way.
  • We work with top pediatric specialists, locally and nationally, giving you direct access to the best doctors and expedited appointment bookings. We'll coordinate care between specialists and make sure you always understand what's happening now and what's next.
  • We're always learning and love sharing our knowledge about whole child health. At our practice you'll find educational materials and essential information on raising healthy, happy children; from nutritional advice and optimal feeding practices, to sleep training, potty training, exercise and so much more. Have a question? Just ask. 
  • We'll come to you. Unlike many practices, we offer home visits for those who prefer it. We've fixed lacerations, given breathing treatments, and conducted full well-child exams all in the comfort of family's homes.
  • Because we know your family so well, we can handle many issues right over the phone, meaning fewer trips to the ER or Urgent Care Centers, and less stress for you and your child.
At Calabasas Pediatrics, what's old is new. We take an old-fashioned approach to a new way of pediatric care. By focusing on whole child health through one-on-one care, we work with you to make sure your child is on the path to wellness during every stage of development. We believe in natural health with an emphasis on nutrition, breastfeeding, sleep, exercise, and many other factors that contribute to your child's total wellness. 

Call today to join the many families who put their trust in us. As your pediatric partners, we'll give you the support, guidance and tools you need to raise healthy, happy, and well-adjusted children. 

Dr. Tanya, a highly demanded speaker, captivates audiences with her knowledge and enthusiasm about all topics related to raising healthy happy babies and children. From best baby products on the market to what to feed your baby to raising a smart successful child, parents keep coming back for her wisdom and practical advice. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Together We Box! My new Kool-Aid, Box Union.

By Cheryl Petran, CEO of The Pump Station & Nurtury®

Despite the craziness of the past weekend, I was fortunate enough to squeeze in 3 workouts at BoxUnion with instructors Sydney Rose, Deja and Kyle. What can I say, each special, each inspirational, each helped me find my “Intention.” On Sunday, however, Kyle helped me connect the dots, guiding me on how to try and approach my week which would be filled with work, Jury Duty and finally Inventory in both stores.

As we boxed he reminded us “No Stress. Nothing but gratitude. Find the Gratitude in everything you do,  not just because its Thanksgiving but because it’s going to motivate you, help you, drive out. It’s all about finding what’s special around you.” Kyle was spot on.

For 10 years while I’ve been part of The Pump Station & Nurtury®, I have found my village with the women I’ve met here. With that said, I’ve found it’s so important to have time where I get to be with me, time where I get to push thru it all. I encourage every new parent to find this space. Find your parenting village and then make sure to find your personal village, a place where you get to focus on you! BoxUnion is my new village… It’s my new happy place. Here are some of the reasons why…
  •  #Best45MinuteSweatInLA (my new favorite hashtag) Time for new parents is a commodity. This is by far the best 45-minute workout you can get! They provide a towel. I suggest you bring a 2nd - you’ll need it.
  • The BoxUnion Team – from the moment you walk in until the moment you leave you are surrounded by the positive energy of everyone that works there. They are pleasant, thoughtful, and welcoming to all. Make sure to thank them when you leave – they’ve earned that!
  • #SupportLocal –The founder of BoxUnion is a local mom who’s looking to create a welcoming space where people can support each other in reaching their fitness goals.
  • It’s dark! No makeup. Hair in pony-tail. Dress comfy and prepare to sweat. No one cares!  Heaven! Through the corner of your eyes, you feel the energy of the others around you. We Box Together! We Sweat Together!
  • The music - I love music. I love being surrounded by music. Even the genres of music I don’t love, I love when I’m there. Try the different instructors. They hand pick their music for 12 rounds of “Butt Kicking Wow!”
  • It’s dark! Did I mention that already? Just you, but no, you’re part of a pack. Jab-Uppercut-Hook-Jab, over and over. The music dulls. You hear your village all hitting the bags as one. They’ve got your back. You’ve got theirs. You are part of the community, a group of people all heading in one direction together, and it’s a positive one.
  •  It gets easier, really. Well, the boxing does – 1-6-3-2. The core exercises are brutal but they will help get you your pre-baby belly back. Wish this existed 10 years ago!
  • You set your bar. It’s not a competition. The instructors will tell you, listen to your body. They are not telling you what you have to do, they are just guiding you. Do what you are comfortable with. Don’t do anything more.
  • Me-time – 45 minutes of time for me and me alone. Yes, while I’m there I’m thinking about my daughter, my family, my life, my work but I’m doing it while I’m doing something amazingly good for me!
  • Endorphins - According to Dr. Jill Campbell, Curriculum Director for our Mommy & Me Program, exercise will boost the release of endorphins, a mood elevator that provides you with a sense of well-being. In addition, when you are doing something good for your body, you feel more in control and connected to your body. This helps you to be kinder and less critical of yourself. When you are doing something healthy for your body, you can’t help but feel better about it.
  • Set Your Intentions - Every day, we need to reset ourselves to what we want, what we need, what will make us happy. Gratitude for being here. Try to be mindful of every moment we live. It’s hard.
  • Community – We work so hard to build this at The Pump Station & Nurtury®. It’s embraced in this safe space at BoxUnion. Move at your own pace. Everyone in this room has your back. They are here to help and support. When you are feeling like you’re exhausted, tired, and spent, look to those around you to carry you…support you…empower you…1-6-3-2…

BoxUnion™ would love to offer The Pump Station & Nurtury® community 
a chance to try one of their classes. BoxUnion™ is a modern fitness experience that builds a fit body and a strong mind. It is designed for all levels with a total body workout that incorporates boxing drills with cardio and weights to the beat of the music! To sign up for one of their offered time slots this week, CLICK HERE! Space is limited so RSVP to grab your bag!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Baby's First Foods: Getting it Right From The Start

By Agatha Achindu, Mom, Wife, Founder, Entrepreneur, Washington Post Contributor, Expert Panelist at LA Baby Show 2017

The moment has arrived. Baby is securely fastened into that spanking new highchair, the chair that cost way too much. Baby is decked out in his cutest outfit, with a freshly laundered matching bib embroidered with "Mama's Boy" in bold lettering. The cameras are ready. Grandma and Grandpa have the still camera on a tripod, while Daddy controls the video. Mama is ready with the shiny new spoon. 

Daddy roars, "Camera - rolling!" 

Mama gently lifts the spoon to baby's mouth. Baby opens his mouth, and in goes a bit of lovely pureed green beans. The room is silent as the camera rolls. Baby, who has thus far only dealt with warm flowing milk from a comforting nipple, suddenly becomes aware that there's something alien on his palate. His eyes grow wide, his face registers a split second of rage. And…SPLAT! Out comes the mush, all over the cute new outfit, the sassy bib and the high chair. Baby screams with anger and betrayal, and knocks the spoon to the floor. 

Daddy yells, "Cut!" Grandpa and Grandma look at each other in dismay. Mom, flustered, runs for a towel. Now what? 

Welcome to one of baby's most exciting milestones - the introduction of solid foods! Parents naturally experience a sense of satisfaction when a new challenge is met. 
The introduction of solid foods presents an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to train baby's palate, and set up a lifetime habit of healthy eating. That is why we want to choose first foods so carefully. First foods should always be pure - free from anything that might have the slightest potential to harm, such as chemical additives, preservatives, synthetic colors and artificial flavors. 

We also want to make sure that the food is bursting with nutrients which is needed for optimal growth and development - it needs to be delicious, because babies are just like adults, they too have good taste, I hear so many parents talk about not being able to eat their baby's food because it tastes so awful but yet feed it to their babies anyway, rule of thumb should be if it tastes that bad to you don't give it to your baby. Whole food, fresh, 
living food is the best -- unlike shelf stable foods, that are overly processed and stripped of beneficial enzymes, other nutritional components and flavor due to super-high heat treatments, cooking the life out of veggies, and allowing even certified organic food to sit for years in warehouses and store shelves. 

I recommend you skip rice cereal even though it is the #1 recommended baby's first food by pediatricians around the country, due to the fact that babies don't have the ability to digest starch and commercial rice cereal is overly processed, if you take out the fortified iron all that is left is starch. Instead of rice cereal try single ingredient Gluten free foods such as pureed organic carrots, avocado, potatoes, squash, pumpkin, peas, parsnips, apples, spinach, sweet potatoes and papaya are all excellent first food choices. with no added flavors, to easily identify allergic reaction. 

I always advise introducing veggies first, and occasionally add in a fruit as a snack, to help your child develop a fondness for both veggies and fruits. At this pivotal point in baby's life, parents can instill good eating habits by allowing baby to taste pure vegetables. Once baby accepts the taste of vegetables, it won't be necessary to sneak in the veggies when your child is older - the flavor will be familiar, and it will be something he or she loves. 

My youngest son, who is now 12 years old, easily accepts everything fresh - raw broccoli and cauliflower, okra, parsley, lettuce and more -- and has done so from the youngest age. I personally believe that when we allow our kids to fall in love with the fresh clean taste of vegetables, they develop a deep appreciation for those flavors, and will crave them throughout life. So, it is very important to let baby's palate acclimate, and not to mask the pure tastes of your child's first foods. Don't give up - offer a veggie over and over, until your child accepts, because they will accept it if you're patient and persistent. 

A word about setting the example: parents must realize that we pass on our eating habits to our children, so take a look at what you're eating. Baby might not like the taste of a certain vegetable if mom or dad shows distaste for it. If you are not a big vegetable lover, make it a point to venture out and try new things. Also, try preparing vegetables in different ways until you find a way that you like it. For example, you may hate Brussels sprouts, because you've only ever tried them steamed; but roasting gives them a completely different flavor and texture that you love. 

I believe with all my heart homemade food is the best food for baby, when you make food at home you use only real ingredients and immediately freeze it to lock-in nutrients, texture, flavor and taste. As a full time working parent I understand just how hectic life gets and sometimes as much as we want to make wholesome food for our precious babies there is not enough time or patience to make it happen. 

I am proud to say that Yummy Spoonfuls® is there for you. We take pride ourselves on making fresh delicious meals that both you and your baby will love, made just the way you would if you had time to make everything from scratch at home - nothing added, not even citric acid - then flash frozen for optimum flavor, nutrition and convenience. Even parents love the taste so much they end up using Yummy Spoonfuls' first foods in smoothies, and other recipes for the whole family. We have won a series of National taste test awards to validate this, as mothers we are also very concerned about harmful toxins, that is the reason why we make our meals with nothing else added to it. We weren't surprised at all when Yummy Spoonfuls® was recently awarded the highest score of any baby food sold in pouches by Clean Label Project- If you have not read the findings of this study where they tested over 500 different baby foods please click link 

Please know, we all can train our little ones to have a positive attitude towards wholesome nourishing food, and it's worth taking the time to do it right. After all, they're only babies once. 

Regardless if you are making your own food or buying here's a list of some foods that you may want to avoid for the very first year, especially if your family has a history of allergies; AND a list of foods that work great as first foods. 

Avoid these foods:
Add these GREAT first foods:
Cow’s milk
Citrus fruits and juices
Egg Whites
Added salt

Add these GREAT first foods:
Butternut squash 
Sweet potato 
Broccoli, Zucchini , Cauliflower (9ms- this can be very gassy for some babies) 

Come see Agatha at the LA Baby Show this weekend! Go to and use code PumpStation50 to get 50% off your tickets!

Friday, September 29, 2017

How A Postpartum Doula Will Soon Save Your Day (Cape Not Included)

There’s a reason they say it takes a village. Because as a new parent – it really does.
Photo Credit: Klose Up Photography

Being a new parent isn’t easy, that’s been pretty well established. In fact, if you talk to any new parent, they will likely not hesitate to tell you that as AMAZING as it is to bring a new baby into the world and into your life, navigating through those first few days and months is anything BUT easy! Even the most experienced parents struggle with figuring out how to juggle it all: the sleeping, the feeding, the diaper changing, soothing, swaddling, the shushing, (lots and lots of shushing), oh, and wait: I also have to tend to my partner, too? It can seem almost impossible to keep it all together, no matter how many times you watch those viral videos of dads cooing their babies to sleep or double tap on those #motherhoodunplugged Instamom photos. 

So, what is the answer? Is there an answer; a solution? Or are we just left to dwell in the mucky, murky somewhat glistening waters of new parenthood? 

Ok, ok, perhaps we’re sounding a bit dramatic here, but the truth is, as rewarding and surreal as this baby adventure is, it can make you feel down right nuts!!! Before motherhood, many of us started each day in control, accomplished a million things easily, and had good energy levels (probably encouraged by loads of caffeine). Nearly every move throughout the day – we dictated. As a new parent … well, a lot of that changes. 

On top of that, the problem many families face is that even when they succumb to the idea of seeking out help, especially those first few weeks and months, finding that help can be a challenge. As Dr. Harvey Karp, founder of “Happiest Baby on The Block” and creator of the SNOO Smart Sleeper®, often points out, “We used to live in an age where our parents, or close family members were our neighbors, we had that village. But that’s just not the case anymore.” Most families in today’s societies do not live near their immediate family members, nor do they feel comfortable reaching out to their neighbors to ask for help, and friends, well even many of those have families of their own that are struggling to “keep it all together.” So where does this leave us modern day millennial mamas? Well, it leaves us feeling defeated, frustrated, tired, guilty, and often, sadly enough, even clinically depressed.

So again, we ask, what is the answer? What are your options? Do you want the good news or bad news first?
Photo Credit: Klose Up Photography

Let’s start with the bad news. Here’s the deal, YOU. CAN’T. DO. IT. ALONE! Let’s rephrase can, in fact, we know  most humans are capable of AMAZING feats, and MAMA’s, you are especially known to exhibit some serious super human powers,  but at what price; your mental health, your physical health, your child’s health, your relationship?

The good news? There are options, there are resources… and they’re pretty much a click away. As we mentioned above, we know that every day, all around the world, millions of mothers are taking phenomenal care of their newborn babies all on their own. We admire, commend, respect, and are truly inspired by them. But, if you live in the Los Angeles, or Orange Country area, we want you to know you have options, you have resources and we promise you, there is no better investment as a new parent, than the one you will make when you hire a postpartum doula

If in between the hormonal tears and the lack of sleep, you realize that your new baby isn’t going to just easily integrate into your existing life and your expectations of balancing it all – because you’re awesome – have fallen short, it’s ok to ask for help! Here at The Pump Station & Nurtury, we have an amazing team of postpartum doulas just waiting to meet you and pass along their knowledge and baby expertise. We’re here to lean on- to guide, educate & empower you so you can experience a new level of internal joy with your precious bundle. I mean, if you don’t believe us, just check out this screen shot from one of our doula’s daily logs.

And that’s just one day! Imagine the comfort of knowing that a trained professional who truly cares for the wellbeing of you AND your baby is available to help you day and night, as you begin your parenting journey? Can you feel the stress just dissipating away? 

Moms, look, you are still able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But you don’t need to prove you’re a superhero to ANYONE! That perfect mom you see sashaying down the lane with her quiet, beautiful baby just cooing away in her pricey pram … she isn’t doing it alone. She’s got a village behind her. And chances are, she’s leaning on a doula to help prop her up. 

Click here to see just some of the resources and wisdom our amazing doula team can bestow upon you.