Thursday, September 17, 2009

Legislative Update California

We are pleased to announce that AB 513 and SB 257 are on the Governor's desk awaiting his signature. He has 30 days to either sign the measures into law, let the bills become law without his signature or veto the bills.

ACTION:We need you to send 2 letters to Governor Schwarzenegger requesting that he sign AB 513 and SB 257 into law. The goal is to have his file loaded with letters of support for AB 513 and SB 257.

AB 513 (DE LEON):
See the sample letter here. Please fax your letter of support to the Governor as soon as possible.

AB 513 seeks improved support for breastfeeding by requiring health care service plans and health insurers to include coverage for:

Lactation consultation by an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

The provision of quality breast pumps, as part of their health care service plans or insurance policies that provide maternity coverage.

Read the bill.

SB 257 (Pavley):
See the sample letter here. Please fax your letter of support to the Governor as soon as possible.

SB 257 bill would require every state agency and department, through their existing channels of communication, to notify female employees nearing maternity leave of the current lactation accommodation law. The bill is necessary because we know that not all agencies and departments in CA are getting this important information out to their employees.

Read the bill.

All your calls, letters, and visits in support of AB 513 and SB 257 have been effective and really helped bolster the bills and bring an awareness of the importance of breastfeeding. Thank you for all your support!

Thank you for your help!

For more on breastfeeding bills, or to take action, please visit the California WIC Association website.