Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tandem nursing twins -- You can do it!!!

from Kalle Gelman, The Pump Station & Nurtury™ Mommy of Twins

I really hoped I could nurse my twins after they were born, and so in preparation, I took Kelli’s class at The Pump Station. She was able to breastfeed her twins and gave me the confidence that it was possible...even though it seemed like that would be on par with winning a gold medal at the Olympics.

Then, my twins were born almost 6 weeks early and I had severe complications including massive hemorrhaging (all of which should have lessened my milk production). My babies were in the NICU for 2 weeks and were bottle fed every drop I pumped from day one. And I pumped around the clock, determined to get them the milk they needed! While I tried to nurse them in the NICU, they were so small and so tired that I was resigned it wouldn't work to breastfeed them. I thought I would just have to pump and bottle feed.

At the urging of a night nurse who was helping us once the twins came home from the hospital, I tried to breastfeed my son (who weighed more and had a bigger appetite). To my surprise he latched on right away and ate almost a full meal! But I had a lot of difficulty with my daughter because she was so small - still just 4 pounds. That’s when I called The Pump Station and scheduled a home consultation with Barbara. When she arrived, it was as if a fairy breastfeeding godmother had come into my home. I still remember her saying, "in no time you'll have them both on a breast at the same time and it will be like, latch one...latch the other...no problem"!  While it sounded as easy as seeing a unicorn, it actually happened a few weeks later. I was so happy I cried! I stuck with it and called Barbara frequently with many questions and for advice. She was so supportive and helpful, and I know I never would have gotten here without her.

I really feel like if I can do it, anyone can! Thank you a million times over, Pump Station.

My experience being able to breastfeed them is one of the best things I've done in my life. I look forward to our nursing times because I feel so connected to them and it makes me so happy that I'm able to nourish them both. 

All the best,


Candice Rosene said...

Thank you for sharing your inspirational story! I cried tears of joy! Sounds cheesy but you gave me and I'm sure so many others that read this hope.

Lia T. said...
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