Studies have shown giving birth before age 26 reduces a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. Studies also have found that giving birth after age 35 increases breast cancer risk. By studying women of different ages who have given birth, a research team at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler hopes to be able to identify biomarkers—biological markers that can indicate whether or not you have a disease or are likely to develop one—in breast milk that are associated with breast cancer risk.
Please read on to learn more about what’s involved and who can participate. If this study isn’t right for you, please pass it on to a woman who you know who is pregnant and planning to breastfeed! Please help the Army of Women and the research team find the women they need.
The purpose of the study is to analyze biomarkers found in breast milk from women who are breastfeeding. The research team wants to learn more about biomarkers that may be linked to breast cancer risk and the effect that breastfeeding has on these biomarkers.
The researchers need 200 women to participate in this study.
If you sign up for the study “Breast Cancer Risk Assessment in Nursing Mothers,” the research team will contact you to confirm that you are eligible. If you decide to participate in the study, you will be asked to do the following:
o Sign and initial the consent form.
o Fill out a health history questionnaire and a study diary to reflect medications you take throughout the study.
o Provide breast milk samples three times during the study:
• Shortly after you begin to breastfeed (within 10 days of full milk coming)
• 2 months later
• And when weaning your child from breast milk (defined as pumping/feeding a maximum of 2 times per day).
The research team will mail the breast milk collection kits to you. The kits will include instructions on how to collect and mail your breast milk to the investigators. You will mail the samples to the research team at no cost to you.
Edward Sauter, MD, PhD, M.H.A, University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler (UTHSCT)
Anywhere in the United States; all necessary participation is handled through FedEx.
You can join the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment in Nursing Mothers study if you match ALL of these MAIN categories:
o You are a pregnant woman who is planning to breastfeed
o You are willing to provide breast milk samples three times (if possible, one sample from each breast):
•Within 10 days of starting to nurse
•2 months later
•When you are weaning your child from the breast
o You are NOT under active treatment for cancer
o You do not have an active infection of the breast
After you RSVP, the research team will ask you additional questions to be sure that this study is a right fit for you.

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