Thinking about a Breastpump Purchase? Check out the Ameda.
The Ameda Purely Yours Ultra™ Double Electric Breast Pump with CustomFit Flanges was designed knowing not all breasts are a like. It's quiet with separate speed and suction settings, and more flange options for a customized fit. The HygieniKit milk collection system (BPA DEHP free) prevents milk and moisture from entering into the pump's tubing. The Hygienikit is dishwasher safe and converts to a manual pump.
- Tote, ultra-suede with faux leather
- Cool N Carry™ Milk Storage Tote with 3 cooler packs and 4 extra storage bottles
- Extra Valves, Nylon bag for parts
- Easy clean pumping pad
- 12V Car Adapter
- Can run on 6 AA Batteries (not included)
- Model: 17085
Valid for Purely Yours Ultra Pumps purchased from November 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011.
See all our Breastpumps and don't forget we also offer Breastpump Rentals.
In order to insure the most successful and gratifying breastfeeding experience for mother and child, we recommend you schedule a one-on-one visit with one of our experienced IBCLC's.» Learn More
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