As your baby is becoming more mobile you need to start thinking of ways to keep him/her safe throughout your home. We’ve searched high and low to find a great product line that allows you to keep your baby safe & we’re thrilled to announce that we now have an extensive line of KidCo Safety Products!
Did you know that there are no federal or industry minimum standards established for products such as locking devices, latches or similar items!
Well, we chose KidCo because they are a founding member of the Global Safety Cooperation (G.S.C**) – a voluntary collaboration between international child product manufacturers.
Check out our website to see what we carry or stop by one of our stores!
**GSC membership requires manufacturers to comply with all relevant standards and demands of national authorities. With combined decades of experience, the G.S.C. establishes additional and in most cases the only meaningful and measurable standards of performance for the products its members manufacture and market throughout the world. These standards include performance testing for push-pull exertion levels, material non-toxicity and durability, product functionality and ease of use, reliability and overall effectiveness. The G.S.C. is leading the way to making the future safer for children.
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