Dear Parents,
I facilitate mother support groups day in and day out. A common theme/complaint I hear repeatedly among new moms is their inability to convince dads that there is validity in many of the new concepts in parenting. The mothers appear to accept and embrace the new research yet have real difficulty in bringing their partners ‘on board”. The most common areas of contention appear to be, 1) if and when a parent can spoil a child, 2) will certain parenting choices create bad habits, and 3) is the TV really harmful to infants and toddlers?
Moms, I have a solution for you. Turn off the football game, unplug the computer, and drag your man down to Montana Avenue for an enlightening afternoon. Dads often will not listen to Moms, but for some reason, they will turn their attention to an expert. Dr. Jill Stamm is the women to fill the job. She brings a unique combination of extensive academic credentials with personal experience. Dr. Stamm earned a PhD in Learning and Instructional Technology and has a specialization in understanding how people learn. She is currently a clinical associate professor at Arizona State University. Perhaps more compelling, Jill raised two daughters, one who was born severely premature and has significant learning disabilities, along with a daughter who is a PhD candidate in neuroscience at UCLA.
Parents frequently express their desire to do their best for their children. They want to maximize effective parenting skills and express frustration and fatigue over the enormous amount of information and product that is shoved under their noses on a daily basis. Dr. Stamm is able to explain how a baby’s brain grows and she guides parents in effectively “wiring” their babies brains so that they can maximize their learning potential. In sharing her extensive knowledge and practical experience, Jill Stamm enables parents to make thoughtful choices and sift through the information and product overload.
If you are pregnant and/or have a child under the age of 3 years, please consider attending our Sizzling Hot Topics Parenting Lecture “Bright from the Start” presented by Dr. Jill Stamm - this Saturday (November 1st at 1pm) at the Aero Theater, 1328 Montana Ave. in Santa Monica.
In our 30 years of practice, Corky and I have been exposed to many practitioners, educators, therapists, and authors. Few have impressed and excited us as much as Dr. Jill Stamm. Her message is exciting and powerful. Spend an afternoon with us and learn how you can nurture your baby’s brain growth. I promise you will not be sorry.

is there a fee to attend? How long is the lecture?
Ticket Price is $25.00 per person*
*Proceeds will be donated to Charity.
Learn more at www.PumpStation.com
How long is the lecture?
The Event is about 2 hours including the book signing.
Dear Laura,
I wish I had thought to write a blog about Halloween safety. What a great idea. My only hesitation is that I am not sure that I have the knowledge to be helpful on this subject. I did have one thought about your experience last year. Is it possible that your son was going to come down with the fever regardless of having gone trick or treating? I do know that people are more likely to become ill when gathering with crowds in enclosed places. So, theoretically, your children would be healthier outdoors trick or treating than “locked up” in a church hall. Just a thought. With regards to running background checks on your neighbors, sounds a bit extreme to me. I do believe that parents need to closely supervise their children while trick or treating. Children should never go into a stranger’s home without the parents. All candy should be inspected before the child eats it. I had moms tell me that they simply purchased a variety of candy and then switched out the collected candy. Small children rarely know the difference and the moms were secure in knowing that the candy was reasonably safe.
Have a safe and healthy Halloween and thanks for writing.
Wendy Haldeman, MN, RN, IBCLC
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